Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! News, News, Newsletters!

I really enjoyed reading this lecture on email marketing / newsletters, and I see many applications for my 'Manvolution' business idea. I have some familiarity with Constant Contact as an email management tool, and I'm looking forward to experimenting with it.

I think email marketing is particularly important in the online marketing toolbox of strategies.  The simple fact is, until you have a prospect's email, you don't have a direct link to them.  All the social media 'likes' and 'followers' are through a third-party SMN site. Until you have that prospect's email, you can't communicate with them directly.

My email strategies will focus on Sales Generating and Relationship Building.  Frankly, I'm unconvinced about the power of a newsletter.  I've never read one and find them too voluminous for computer reading. But I'm open to learning!

To address the assignment questions, the specifics regarding my newsletter for Manvolution are as follows:

My content areas will follow the content platforms I outlined in my blog strategy:

  • Nutrition
  • Relationships
  • Exercise
  • Attitude
  • Stress Reduction
  • Local activities/events (San Diego market only)
Monthly distribution feels right.  That is a realistic frequency that I can execute.  Too often, and my subscribers will tune out.

Content Ideas:
See the list above under 'information'.


  1. Hi Nate,
    I agree that you do not have a direct link to the potential customer until you have their email address. They remain anonymous otherwise.
    A sub-topic for Exercise could be about travel and how to remain fit 'on the road' for the Road Warriors.
    Regarding newsletters being "too voluminous for computer reading", you could keep yours very short and to the point - I think that would appeal to men better anyway.

  2. Good point about when not having a direct email contact address - it essentially means you still have no leads to promote your business directly - even if they are following you online socially. It is much easier to build a relationship with a customer when you can communicate two ways. I agree with your thoughts about reading long newsletters online -being a little older and raised in a pre-computer/internet generation; I personally prefer to read longer articles in a hard copy format.

  3. I understand your point about being unconvinced in the power of the newsletter. They are a lot to take in and time consuming, but the customer would have signed up for one in the first place. You have such a great idea with Manvolution and could really use a newsletter to your advantage. It doesn't have to be a lot of content it just needs to be specific to your niche demographic. It really could be great.
