Thursday, October 3, 2013

Post Reach Vs. Post Engagement

I found this assignment informative.

Post Reach:
According to, post reach is similar to the term 'reach' that is used in broadcast media to define the number of people who view your ad.  In the case of 'post reach', we are are referring to the total number of people who viewed your post, either by stumbling upon it organically, via their news feed, or any other method.  Reach is equivalent to individual views, and those views may or may not be your target audience.

Post Engagement:
Post engagement goes beyond straight views and measures how many people actually 'engaged' with your post by either commenting on it, forwarding it, or including it in their own post.

According to, post engagement plays a bigger role in facebooks page rank algorith, which determines which news feeds your posts get displayed in.  Also, higher levels of enagement on certain posts can tell you what topics are resonating with your followers.  This helps you shape your content to fit your followers interests in a more targeted way.  Frankly these metrics are better than what is available on broadcast media (tv and radio) and print.  And facebook pages are free!

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