Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Blog Categories

Considering the proper blog categories for my Manvolution Blog (I've renamed my Nate Scharff blog to Manvolution to better align with my business identity), I came up with the following categories that will fit my business:

1.  Nutrition posts.                                                                                                                                     
This is one of the pillars of the Manvolution product offering.  Nutrition posts will include:
  • How to shop healthy.  
  • How to eat out healthy
  • How to cook healthy
  • Alternate solutions for cravings
These posts will help my business grow by providing opportunities for affiliate marketing and cross promotional links with restaurants, grocery stores, and food products that align with this category.  

2.  Motivational posts.                                                                                                                       

Another pillar of the Manvolution product offering.  

These posts are targeted strictly at my core customer, mature men 45+ who are looking to get back in shape and fix their nagging health problems through a holistic, diet and exercise approach.  Motivational posts will include topics such as:
  • Learning how to cultivate a positive attitude
  • Developing discipline
  • How to let go of negative emotions
  • Improving time management skills
  • Building Patience
These posts will help my business grow by using keyword strategies to link these keywords to my articles, so that potential customers that are searching on these topics will be directed to my blog, and to my business.  

3.  Stress-Reduction posts.  A third pillar of the Manvolution product offering.  Similar to the nutrition post category, I will be using this post category to cross-promote with businesses and services that align in this category.  Additionally, I will have my own individualized post content . Topics would include:

  • Getting a good night's sleep
  • Meditation - how to do it
  • Yoga - why it helps
  • Anger management techniques
  • Eliminating caffeine and other stimulants from your diet

4.  Relationships / Life Balance. posts. The fourth pillar of the Manvolution product offering.  I will again be cross promoting with leading authors and content providers in these areas.  This will be an SMN rich category.  A sample of appropriate authors would include:

  • Wayne Dryer
  • Tony Robbins
  • Deepak Chophra

I will also have my own individualized post content.

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