Sunday, September 22, 2013

Business Idea: Manvolution

My business idea will have the working title of Manvolution

This is an online health, wellness and personal coaching website for men who have had a recent health crisis and are looking to improve their overall health, well being and longevity.  The specific target audience is described as follows:


  • Fathers, ages 35 - 60 (men and women are having children later, or second marriages with children)
  • Household income of 65K plus
  • Tech savvy
  • In a relationship, or single and wants to be in one

  • Has had a recent health scare.  Diabetis diagnosis, minor heart attack, recently completed chemotherapy.  
  • Wants to feel better mentally, physically and emotionally.  This is more important than how he looks.  These guys want to live and are motivated to do so.
  • Has lost their Mojo and vitality.  Feel overwhelmed and burdened by work and family responsibilities.
  • Knows that his lack of vitality is negatively impacting his family/relationships
  • Stressed out.  Doesn't feel he has enough time to devote to health and fitness
  • Wants to learn how to eat better
  • Is motivated to get the health component of their life figured out
  • Looking for inspiration and motivation
  • Needs a fitness buddy
The unmet need:

Most men's fitness sites focus on looking good, with an emphasis on exercise as the path to health.  My business will focus on Feeling Better and being healthy, and remove the focus from the physical frame.  The focus will be on diet and lifestyle management.  Men will work in cohorts of 6 - 10 men, so their will be an online support system.  There will be a weekly coaching session from me via an online live forum.  Technology via tweets and emails will be used to send out daily inspirational messages, accountability reminders, and even wakeup calls for exercise commitments.  The program delivers an online fitness buddy who addresses all the pillars of health:  diet, exercise, emotional and relational.

The product:

This is a 12 week program.  The delivery method is online.  Members have their own private forum and a tribe atmosphere will be built.  Members will receive a fitness toolkit including a Nike fitness Fuel band to track activity.  Each week their will be a new video message from their coach with an educational message about health (diet, exercise, sleep, relationships, etc.).  Every four weeks their will be an online weigh in and online group forum meeting.  

The cost:  $1,200 for 12 weeks.  At the end of the 12 weeks graduates join the membership tribe where they can connect with local graduates in their market.  The goal is to create a movement - a 'manvolution' where men can reclaim their health and vitality, shed their addiction to the standard american diet, and live a vibrant and joyful life.

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