Monday, December 2, 2013

Week 14: Post 1 - Likeable Social Media

This post is one of two in regards to achieving the week 14 blog posts requirements.

In reviewing ALL the different social media platforms we've worked, some seemed better suited to my business than others.  The ones that seem to integrate the best with my service-oriented 1 on 1 personal coaching business are:

  • Blogging (weekly)
  • Facebook
  • Yelp
  • Google +

I found twitter to be too labor intensive for me.  I could not keep the momentum required with tweets to keep this site productive.  Additionally, my target is men ages 45+ , and they use Twitter less frequently than women.  With my target group, I can lean on the 'traditional' social media sites to maximize results.

Daily Use Pattern:

Frankly, I don't see myself posting daily, primarily because my target audience is not consuming social media at that rate.  I am focusing on a weekly blog cycle, which translates to 52 blog posts a year.  If I were going after a daily use pattern, I would choose Twitter.  The short, punctuated content format of this social media site lends itself to frequency, and that's what 'tweets' are all about.

Weekly Use Pattern:

1.  Weekly blog posts
These will be delivered on a Monday morning, fit nicely with my health and fitness-oriented business idea.  Blog content will be delivered to subscriber emails.  I envision a 'Monday Motivational" that sets the tone for the week for my subscribers.  Whether I use or, my blogs will be once a week.

2.  Facebook fans
'Like' my Manvolution Facebook page to receive the recipe of the week.  For the  weekly blog article, I will be asking for emails.  I want the blog to be used as email bait.  The weekly blog content will have specific content each week with regards to diet plans, workouts and an inspirational message.  Facebook advertising will be used to capture more fans and then convert those fans to email acquisition via free blog subscriptions.

3.  Yelp
This will be a slow-build strategy as customers are acquired.  Yelp is vital for my credibility.  My initial strategy is to make week 12 of the 12 week program free in exchange for a positive yelp review from customers.

4.  Google +
Specifically, google hangouts will be used to conduct my weekly personal coaching call.  Google Hangouts lets me conduct a live chat with up to 8 people.  I will also be using Google Ad words to capture clients via keyword searches.


This concludes part one of my week 14 blog post.   Part two will cover specific tools and strategies in more depth.




  1. Good call on passing on Twitter. I didn't think it was best for my business either. At first thought, one blog a week seemed like a bit much, but after you described your Monday Motivational. it made perfect sense. The recipe idea is a good one as well. Keep up the good work, Nate!

  2. I like all your ideas, specially the recipe one! But I'd like to make one comment regarding Yelp: Offering something in exchange for positive reviews might get you in trouble, specially with recent cases of business 'paying' for good reviews. Just a thought...

  3. Hi Nathan,

    I’m sure your business is going to be a huge success. You have the “it factor”. (That intangible, illusive, thing that resonates with people.) Your personality and passion, transmits in social media. There is such a need for your services. You are filling a void and inspiring people. I wish you mounds of success.

    I might add one thing to your plan, perhaps a newsletter, direct email effort. We all need a reminder about things (and a lot of men I know) don’t follow Facebook consistently. Maybe, you might want to lay down a challenge? Men like challenges and competition. You might even consider appealing to their women. (??) After all you know the saying…Behind every great man, is a great woman behind him. Wink wink!

    This rings true in my personal life. My husband has always been (thin) physically fit but never really did a consistent exercise routine. I took up swimming and Pilates after a serious injury. I tried for over a year to get him to try Pilates. My girlfriends jumped on the bandwagon and guilted him into a challenge. He tried it with a personal trainer and fell in love with the strength training aspect. He thought Pilates was a “girley thing”. Ha ha, I’m having the last laugh. He’s in damn good shape for 65. His strength and flexibility have improved and there are many men in my neighborhood who have jumped on the bandwagon.

    Just a thought.

    From My heart, I wish you much success!

